Things are not always as they appear |
Before I go on I just want to put it out there that my goal is not to belittle or unduly criticize the person who made this statement; it's just to point out a couple of things.
Self awareness is pivotal to continuous improvement - especially personal continuous improvement. How can we improve if we're not aware and honest about where we are, who we are and why we act?
I applaud the TV subject's attitude of self awareness for self improvement, but I wonder if she was aware that a statement like "self aware of myself" screams the need for more self awareness and self improvement. I realize we can't all be award winning wordsmiths and orators, but shouldn't one have enough self awareness to present better on national TV?
I'm afraid this whole thing illustrates a trap that we all fall into occasionally: The trap of being so pleased with ourselves in one or more areas that it blinds us to deficiencies in other areas. We see our grades going up, or sales increasing, or audiences getting bigger which thrills us. Of course, we should acknowledge such growth and celebrate our victories.
Remember, though, that the moment just after we complete the victory dance is always a good time to look into the mirror and be honest about what we see. This way we can ensure that we are truly and honestly self aware of our whole self and keep on the path of semper meliori.
Don't forget who you are -