Monday, April 2, 2012

My name is Andrew, and I am a C I junkie.

  No, C I is not a new designer pharmaceutical; it's an abbreviation for Continuous Improvement.  I know I'm a C I junkie because I practice, follow and advocate C I in all settings, and not just in my world.  I love to read about, hear about and witness C I in other organizations and other people. C I is a big buzz word in the workplace and within organizations, but my favorite flavor is Personal C I, because it's at the heart of all C I.  In order for an organization to get better, its individuals (or at least AN individual) must get better.

C I is a journey (by definition, it's continuous), so it might not appeal to those who are all about arriving at the destination. It also doesn't seem to appeal to those who don't like to admit they have room to grow. On the other hand, it's liberating to me because it allows one to say "I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better."

So, I'll blog and reblog about Personal Continuous Improvement in this very space in conjunction with my regular website ( for all you other C I junkies out there. I know there are others out there - Google found you :-)

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